It has been observed that by the time children move to 9th grade, 33% of kids become sexually active but only 45% of teenagers use condoms.
Furthermore, post menopause, women do not tend to use condoms since they are not bothered about getting pregnant anymore.
It is surprising that our movies, TV shows, and magazines are full of sex, yet we are reluctant to talk about sex openly.
Similarly, our youth can discuss and share all kinds of intimate details on social networking sites but hesitate to talk about it in person. Even doctors do not take a frank approach to discuss sex related issues with their patients.
If you are married, do not think that you are safe from this life-threatening disease. Do not indulge in casual sex even with your partner.
Using a condom every time you have sexual intercourse lowers the chances of getting HIV from an infected partner by 85%.
Dr. Jennifer Gunter, famous Gynaecologist, and a leading expert in the field of sexual health, says that in 1985 only 8% of women were HIV positive but the number swelled to 27% in 2005. That means every 35 minutes, one woman is testing positive for HIV in the United States.
In the United States, more than 1 million people are HIV positive, and over 25% are not aware of the fact that they are bitten by this deadly virus.